

The title of doctor honoris causa of the University of Vinh for prof. Cao Long Van

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wykład prof Cao log VanOn December 10th, 2018, a special celebration took place at the University of Vinh. For the first time in its history, the university has awarded an honorary doctorate. This honor fell to our professor Cao Long Van. The ceremony was attended by prof. Marek Trippenbach from the University of Warsaw who was the promoter of the honorary doctorate, prof. Dinh Xuan Khoa - rector of the University of Vinh (former PhD student of professor Cao Long Van), vice rectors, headmasters, lecturers and students. It is worth mentioning that the University of Vinh, which is one of the largest public universities in Vietnam (and the largest in the central part of Vietnam), has made great contributions to the science and education of Vietnam. For almost 60 years, hundreds of thousands of teachers in Vietnam, as well as many prominent Vietnamese scientists have been educating.

During the ceremony, prof. Ding Xuan Khoa stressed the commitment of prof. Cao Long Van in raising the scientific and didactic level of the Vinh University. Since the ceremony of the 30th anniversary of the university in 1989, in the first place, Professor has contributed to the University's right to confer doctoral degree. Due to his efforts, although there was no independent academic staff at the University, the first Commission for doctoral studies was formed under his direction. Thanks to this, the first generation of doctoral students could have been recruited, among others the current Rector of the University. In detail prof. Cao Long Van described this period in his article "Education through Research" in the Culture-Education-Professional Work (Polish and Vietnamese Experiences) monograph published by the UZ Publishing House in 2018. Then, for almost 30 years, the Professor continued to prepare lectures, organize scientific projects, was involved in inviting many eminent scientists from Poland, also from the University of Zielona Góra, who gave lectures for students and academic staff. He also contributed to receiving many scholarships for Vietnamese students who thanks to them could continue their studies in Poland. Moreover, he supervised the exchange of students with the Polish side. In addition, he initiated new directions of scientific research at the University of Vinh, which resulted in the creation of two strong research groups dealing with photonic crystals and atomic resonance both from the theoretical and experimental side. The first opto-magnetic trap in Vietnam was built at the University of Vinh. In conclusion, the Rector expressed deep gratitude for the efforts of prof. Cao Long Van, who contributed to the success of many generations of Vietnamese students in Vietnam, and at the same time helped the University of Vinh to achieve maturity.

Speaking as a promoter, prof. Marek Trippenbach stressed that prof. Cao Long Van is a student of prof. Iwo Białynicki Birula - the founder of a renowned school of physics in Poland. Virtually all physicists at the University of Vinh, we can say, are the descendants of prof. I. Białynicki-Birula. The point of the speech was that choosing prof. Cao Long Van for his first honoris causa doctor, the University of Vinh set the bar so high that it will be difficult to find another candidate.

In the last part of the ceremony, the former students of prof. Cao Long Van gave him congratulations and wishes for many further successes. The entire community of our faculty joins these wishes. We are proud of the great distinction of prof. Cao Long Van, who certainly deserved it thanks to his perseverance, high spirits and many years of work.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18